I have longed for this, to write freely and express how I truly feel. I know in myself that I’ve always wanted to write, it’s just sometimes, I get too caught up with the drama in my head that I find it so challenging to even start curating words from my soul.

This may sound vague, for I intend that every person who reads this may somehow relate their personal experiences as well.
Are there moments in your life that you feel like everything is falling apart, whether that be in your career,  your relationships – that somehow, you know that you must address something, and for some reason you can’t explain, you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, trying to find solutions and even contemplating where and how to start.
Behind all that beautiful photos I post on Instagram of my Art, of the healthy food that I eat( not always though! ) and every single motivational quote there.. behind all that “beauty” and showcase of “strength” lies a deep struggle happening constantly within. It’s indeed true that you will never see the Truth in a Person’s Life through Social Media – cause we use “filters” to cover our weaknesses through. At first, I was hesitant to even share this with you guys – even to such vagueness, it feels scary to be vulnerable to others..and yet, I am willing to open myself up..cause in this society wherein we’re conditioned to hide what we truly feel, I strongly believe it is brave, even once to be completely open, and vulnerable and scared – all at the same time.

At the end of the day, one thing keeps me’s more than just a Belief that everything is going to be alright – it is Faith, faith in myself, in that of humanity and of the Universe, that one day, we’re all breaking free from our hard shell boundaries and genuinely connect with each another. This is something that I’m working on as well, cause I believe it takes so much courage to do such in its purest.

And yes, one day, people who are considered “weird” and “unacceptable” in society would be appreciated for their empathic gifts– as these people hold the key to a better world – sharing the Light of their Souls to others, that they may also awaken and find their own Path.

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