Project France: Budget Traveling 101

I literallyy almooost criieeed wheen I fiirst set
my eyes on this majestiic toweer!

Traveling to a country like France doesn't have to be expensive to be fun.  I REPEAT. It doesn't have to be expensive to be fun. :) 

Now, let me show you some tips on how to survive France - most especially Paris - with a minimal budget! Trust me, until now I can't believe how we did it!  *winks

Budget Traveling Tip #1
Thou shall maximize your luggage space with the ESSENTIALS.

When I talk about essentials, I mean those stuff that could save your stomach in times of famine. LOL! That sounded like a line from the Prince of Egypt! Anyway, check out my list! :)

*Cup noodles - all flavors!haha - spicy chicken, savory beef, etc.
*Spam, corned beef, luncheon meat, tuna & more Spam 
*Bags of knick knacks, hello panda & anything sweeet to feed thy tummy!
*A rice cooker! - yes I'm quite serious about this. One of our friends brought one and you'll feel like eating in a carinderia in the Philippines in no time! 

You don't necessarily need to follow the list though. Yeah I know, mine's quite long!  But you have the absolute freedom to bring whatever you want - that favorite snack of yours, etc. Believe me, it's going to save you a whole lot of money and at the same time, still enjoy your trip! :) 

But in the duration of your trip, don't deprive yourself too much and be sure to still indulge yourself with must try local cuisines <3cause  it's also one way of experiencing a country's culture as well! And in France, the food is juust to DIE FOR!  Here are some budget friendly foods that are definitely a 5 star!

Who could ever RESIIIIST   these mouth watering French macaroons anyway?

Photo c/o Mary Anne Jao
Photo c/o Mary Anne Jao

Photo c/o Mary Anne Jao



Here are some more!!!!

Welsh complet! <3 it's bread with ham, mozzarella & egg baked
& soaked in BEER! real goodness I may say!

For the love of everything SWEET! Creme brulee, choco ice cream, crepes <3 

White chocolate sugar crepes! <3

Budget Traveling Tip #2
Thou shall practice the ART OF SHARING.

Pizza, anyone? :D
Yes, sharing - it's a GREAT thing - especially when in Europe where one order in a restaurant could actually serve a bunch of hungry people!  Their servings are really huge btw. Check out these humongous steak and fatty fries! You might want to share such meal! :)
 Anyone? :)
YES! Burger Mcdo
in France!
You can share these scrumptious meals with your mom, your dad,your bestfriend or even with your special someone! <3

 Not only you enjoy eating with your loved one, you also get to keep in track within your budget! :)

Budget Traveling Tip #3
Thou shall  learn the ART OF BARGAINING.

Prices of almost anything in almost any place  in the world are never going down. Accept it. 

It's a FACT. 


that should not stop you from exploring cheap bargains especially when you want to buy souvenirs for numerous people waiting for your comeback! :D Let me tell you a story about how we got a huge and a medium sized Eiffel Tower( with sparkling lights! :D ), and 16 mini Eiffel Tower keychains(in all three colors) for only 15 EUROOOOOOOS!! Yes you got that riiiiight! It's actually a great deal especially when you compare the regular prices of the items that we got in a souvenir store! The key is a little bit of patience + some charm + a hint of persuasion = GREAT DEAL!   
You need to be PATIENT. You know why? Got a tip from a friend that they only sell souvenirs at night in the Eiffel Tower. Well in our case, got to seal the deal at the Louvre!  
So the story goes like this, after we finished touring inside the Louvre<3 
Well hello there Mona Lisa! :)

and Venus de Milo!
looking at numerous paintings and sculptures and artifacts, (it's like walking through history!) we went outside the glass pyramid and were greeted by these people who sell souvenir stuff. :) At first, his offer was 10 Euros for the big Eiffel Tower. Knowing my friend's experience, I put in my hey-I'd-get-a-great-deal  face with you ON!  I started to employ my superb bargaining skills - telling him that I'd strike a deal with him for 2 Eiffel Tower for 10 dollars + 15+++ Eiffel Tower keychains for 5 euros! <3 After some smiles right here and there, some puhleaaase on the sides and a I-won't-buy-anything-from-you FACE ifyoudon'tagree with me, I sealed the DEAL in no tiime! <3

So you might want to go to the famous landmarks of the place you're visiting and might want to look for vendors to practice your bargaining skills with! :) 

So the next time you travel, remember you don't need to have  a huge amount of money to enjoy your trip! :) 

What you need are great company :) which in my case are these people:


For those precious moments you surely don't wanna miss! <3

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