City Break: Healthy Obsessions + Equally Healthy and Nourishing Meals, Ready in Minutes

Well, hello there Earthy, Sexy, Beautiful Fellas! :)

It's that time of the year again. How are you with your New Year's Resolutions? :)  Want to be at your fittest? Run a Marathon, or join a Walkathon, perhaps? 

Or probably this year, you've made a resolution to eat healthier? ;)

We all strive to be better versions of ourselves and in the process of all that thinking, planning, writing, I've learned that only "ONE, SINGLE, THING" works.


I've been caught in that phase wherein I would write so much in my TO DO list in one day - only to find myself not being able to tick even one off sometimes. Crazy, right? I mean, most of the time, it's best to just get things done and not think about it too much. 

Just like with cooking, the best dishes are made when one lets her Inner Domestic Goddess guide her way through the spices and flavours of ingredients and amazingly works with whatever she has in her pantry. I would like you to try just that with the recipes that I will be sharing with you below, tricky part is though, I'll only be listing the ingredients and I'm leaving it up to you to flow and let that Kitchen Diva in You unleash in Full Spirit!

Anyways,here you go :*

Coconut Milk Rice Noodle Soup Bowl

Fresh coconut milk, Rice Noodles, Garlic, Onions, Cherry Tomatoes, Salt & Pepper to taste! :* Hurraaaaay!!!

The RAWnbow. 
Oh gee.I wish I could think of a better name for this. Oh well. I'm welcome to suggestions guys. Hope this brought some colorful "rawnbows" to your life today! :*

Cooling cucumbers, Crazy carrots, Pampered Papayas and Majestic Mangoes! :') Oh  add some Mister Mustard too this well!

Oh Good Lawd,Thank You for the gift of Humour and Words! I'm forever grateful to You. :*

This is way too obvious. AKA Whatever Fruits You Have on Your Fridge. Eat it! :P

creamy, dreamy oatie porridge

 rolled oats, coconut sugar, almond butter, coconut milk, almond butter and chocolate protein powder

Easy peasy Eggplant Stir Fry

Red/ Brown rice, eggplant, garlic, soy sauce, vinegar, salt and pepper to taste :* BOM DIA!


Red/brown rice, steamed kangkong leaves, coconut milk, chili, langka, salt & pepper to taste

 There you go lovelies!

Hope you enjoy reading this post as much as I had writing it with mah deep chill house playlist! :*

Cheers to a healthier, better and happier YOU! And hey, don't be shy to share your creations with us. Just use #EarthySexyBeautiful and let's continuously create this earthy, sexy and beautiful community!

Much love!

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