Food Miracle: How I’m Healing My Gut through Food

            Amazing. The Universe has been nothing short of amazing. I would remember starting to take down notes of the things that I ate and what helped greatly with my digestion, and little by little what started as a simple note taking habit developed into a wonderful journey of love, health and wellness.

I grew up eating literally everything. Gummy Bears, Milk Chocolates, Fried Chicken and Spaghetti, Yummy Burgers – and would only eat one Vegetable just because it’s not green, and I would share that to you in a special Ravioli recipe sooner than you think. J So basically, I grew up “normal” – normal in such a way that society deems as such, a kid who just loves to eat – just like everyone else.

To tell you honestly, I couldn’t exactly remember how and when this journey started. All I know is that way back in college, I started working out. What clearly motivated me during that time – I really don’t know. But for sure, I’ve felt such surge of happiness, drive and strength whenever I do. With food, I remember still eating so much especially when I train for Muay Thai – and yes, I was eating my once all-time favorite Beef Shawarma with best friends for lunch.

It had been like that for almost three years and there was even a point when I almost..almost had CUTS in my BELLY. Talk about doing it more for vanity reasons, rather than for the reason that I am doing my best to stay on top of my health game now. I would even just eat one or two pieces of whole wheat bread with luncheon meat or tuna after an intense Muay Thai/ Boxing training. Not that I was afraid of calories before, it’s that lack of dedication to nourishing myself properly with whole foods that led me to this journey.

Right now, I enjoy a tall glass of Green Juice every morning and have committed to eating only food that brings good, loving and healing energy – that of which is from Nature and The Earth. J I’m not perfect and I recognize that I still have a long way to go in this healing process through food. Going up through so many ups and downs taught me quite a lot on which food is best for my tummy and I must say that keeping a food journal is key if you wish to discover which types of food works best for you.
There were still days whenever I would ask myself why can’t I just eat “normally” just like my friends who stay “healthy” eating whatever it is that they want. The miracle - the healing – started to happen the moment I stopped comparing myself to others, deeply looking within and fully accepting my Truth.

The question right now would be, “How?”. How can I continuously improve and learn to make living healthy easier that I may share this with others? In what ways can I start reaching out and at the same time, making sure that I don’t forget to fill my own cup as well? How can I be able to serve others through this wonderful gift that the Lord has given?

And there my dear fellow earthlings, have I gotten the motivation to start from where I am now. I sincerely hope that you take steps – no matter how little they may seem – in order for you to fulfill whatever it is that you’ve been dreaming of. Keep pushing, trying and getting back up no matter how many times life throws a butthole of challenges to you. That is one of the most important things I’ve realized so far in this journey and I hope to share more. More Love. More Laughs. More Kindness, and Yes, More Food. J Good, Nourishing Food that is. J

A RawBeauty Original Recipe

serves 2


1 cup sliced strawberries
1/2 cup water
1/2 - 1 cup frozen coconut milk
A dollop of Almond/ any nut butter
Crunchy hemp/superfood mix (optional)

Just blend them all in and enjoy! Perfect breakfast for those who are always on a rush! This makes a great snack idea too instead of a bagel or a sandwich my dear earth friends! 

Loved this recipe? :) Let us know and tag #RawBeauty and #RawBeautyRevolution on your food love creations! 

Much love from your RawBeauty Family!

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