Accepting What Is and Letting Go of What Isn't: Friday Fruit Feels

Can I just share? :)

I've never felt this amazing in the past few years as I've fully acknowledged that healing, in its true essence is a process - a holistic and one that requires so much love, patience, kindness and humility..


All forms of for for others


Trusting in the Divine and being patient with the whole process


Kindness to oneself..and kindness,  most especially to others...

And above all,

Humility...being humble enough to not know everything, being humble enough to listen and obey...I guess this is the most important learning that I had today...

On a lighter note of the story, I'm just so excited to share this wonderful, wonderful discovery on the aspect of healing through food. I've been keeping food journals, tweaking out my lifestyle and eating habits, which in the end makes everything so complicated that I'd be eating different stuff on days and on different times as well. 

I believe I just came to a point wherein I honestly honestly would just want everything to be simple, especially with food. I've tried on feasting on only coconuts - which actually worked for a few I experimented again and again until I stopped thinking about it and decided to feel and listen more to my body.


The good side? You get to enjoy all the wonderful fruits(literally, haha!) of NATURE. :))

Imagine eating colors of the rainbow with every meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner! I just started this yesterday and here's what I had:

One huge avocado and the sweetest mango for lunch :)

I treated myself to a nilupak( though not exactly like this in the picture, but basically it is made from mashed camote and topped with a few coconut shavings and margarine. Oops. A bit of cheat in there but yeah, i love this! 


And for dinner :)))

Hi Mi Amour :*

We enjoyed Jamba Juice's Banana Fruit and Yogurt Cup and a Kale Berry Smoothie last night <3 <3 <3 The Yogurt Cup with frozen berries, bananas and yogurt was soooo goooood! I told myself i won't be eating peanut butter ever..well I must admit, food that you don't eat so often tastes so much better when you eat them again. :) #CRAY Still an Almond Butter girl! :)

It's just amazing...cause I don't feel so hungry at all. Like right now, I've eaten almost the same rainbows of fruits, just a few additional ones today and yes, all the cravings did go away.

Truly, when you eat whole foods from the earth, you provide all the ingredients that your body needs to function at its best and brightest. :) 

When you love your body and truly love yourself, you'll begin to see the world from a different place. You will eventually realize that the only thing that you can control is You and you can start from what you put in your body. In times like these wherein fast and convenience govern our attitude towards food, taking the time, thought and effort to truly nourish our bodies, would greatly change our lives for the better. :)

And as we go along through this journey, may you excuse me for a moment to enjoy a fresh, tropical slice of fruit. ;)

Love lots,

The Earth Princess

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