Who says you can't run a marathon?

I've told myself several times that I would run a 5k for a cause. In fact, I've been constantly browsing Pinoy Fitness' facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/pinoyfitness?fref=ts),
taking note of the upcoming marathon, writing it on my to do list, etc etc...I even listed it as one of my  20 Must Things to do before turning "twenteen" ... It had been stuck in writing for months....(http://worldtravelerandbaker.blogspot.com/2013/01/your-not-oh-so-ordinary-20-must-things.htmland only until last week have I firmly decided, at the same time did go and braved my way for my first ever, not 5K, but 10K RUN! 

I can't help but smile as I vividly remember how everything happened - from how I registered until my very last sprint towards the finish line on the day of the run itself.

I mean,


I seriously died when they informed us of the route the day itself! It seemed impossible but I told myself that I must finish what I have started. I've signed up for a 10k run...so run a 10k I shall!!!

Though deep in my heart, I was screaaamiiing: 

(It's a FREAAAKING 10K for crying out loud!)

Well, I guess I have to..

What also powered me up, besides the fact that I don't wanna end up taking-a-taxi-just-to-get-to-the- finish-line was t that I'm not doing this just for myself. I guess that's one really good thing about events like Run for a Cause, it empowers you in such a way that you know that with every step, with every burn and with every drop of sweat, you're able to reach out even to a single person who is in dire need of of your help. 

When you think of the physical and emotional pain that millions of cancer patients are going through, the whole 10K run strongly pales in comparison. Seriously.

So I had that firmly in mind, and it was just a few minutes before the gun shot for 10K runners...

and the famous Mayor Lim and Mr. Cesar Montano showed up! Time for some photo ops! :))))

With my favorite Mayor of all time! Mayor Lim! :) 

Blurry shot with Mr. Cesar Montano!


STAGE 1: The "I'm DYING" stage

Lining with up with all the other runners, I didn't know what to expect. All I know was that I'm going to freaking RUN A 10K. Yes, given that it was my first, I remember telling myself that my goal was to FINISH STRONG & FINISH THE 10K RUN. Not win nor bag awards. Just enjoy a simple & plain run for a cause event...


HAHAHAHAHA! Not that I thought of it...but I can clearly remember the unexplainable rush that I felt when I started running...I felt like my heart's going to jump out of my left chest, I'm catching my breath like hell and panting at the same time...I felt like DYING, for real, though in a quite different way. It may seem ironic but such feeling also gave me this much needed strength and drive to continue...

I didn't want to stop.

Too much physical and mental contradictions happened during that time. My physical body felt like dying but my mind ordered my every single muscle to move forward, to run.

Well, did I have any other option during that time? 



                         STAGE 2: 
   The "I'm CHILLIN' like a VILLAIN" stage

Thank the Heavens that I ate HEAPING SPOONS OF PEANUT BUTTER  the night before or I guess I won't have the energy I need to sustain my run!!! After running from somewhere in the Bay area until somewhere in Luneta Park back and forth, I felt like, "Hmm, maybe I can really do this running thing.". That was already a 5k by the way and it was a point wherein I was just running in my own pace. I was definitely left behind by the front runners awhile ago. Haha. I can't stop laughing whenever I remember them running by through me and I was just there, running like I would on a normal Saturday morning. 

Though the "Chillin' like a Villain" stage didn't seem so long cause in the back of my mind, I knew I still had a long way to go. I even had the chance to have some chit chats with expert runners(while running ha!) who noticed that I was "bounce running" and advised me the proper way to do so. ;) Super thankful for the people that I meet every single time! :D

Just so you know guys, we had to run fairly beyond the flyover in Pasay road and run back to the starting point..so...



The "Keep Going, You're Almost There" Stage

Have you ever been asked by someone to describe a half filled glass of water?

Did you remember your answer though? Was it half full, or was it half empty? 

I've always, always reminded myself(as much as I can) to see every accomplishment, no matter how small, as a huge step towards achieving one's goal. 

While I was running, I keep telling myself that "You're almost there, just 5k more to goooo" and things like that to motivate me along the way. I choose to look at it in such a way that with every step, I arrive closer to my goal, and not the other way around. So with that,  along with millions of cancer patients in mind who are fighting every single day for their chance to live a new life, I continued running with my heart. 

Yes, there will be times when you'd feel like quitting. There will be times when you'd ask yourself, how on earth could others run so fast? 

And that's one of the most important lessons that I've learned from this. I remember always telling myself that you've set your goal, you want to FINISH STRONG AND FINISH THE 10K run. That's your goal for now and set higher goals on your next run! So every time other runners would pass me by, I'd tell myself, 

"You go on your own pace, girl. You can make it to the finish line. You can do it. Just run and don't stop."

It was my mantra the whole time. It kept me going. It kept me running.

Indeed, our minds are very powerful that one still can go and move forward whenever one thinks otherwise.


And Stopping at Never I Did! :)

I RAN AGAINST CANCER and I'm proud of it. :D

Finished at 1 hour and approximately 6 minutes! I will do my best to beat my record on my next 10K run!!! :DDD

Fellow runners lining up for the photobooth! :)))))))))

So what's stopping you from doing something that you've been wanting to do your whole life?

YOURSELF. and your LAZINESS to do so.

HAHAHA. Even I'm very much guilty of this too(most of the time)

Harsh as it may sound, it's an absolute truth that we should accept and change.

If we want something done, we should work for it. 

"Most people you ever read about that get some great calling always get that calling while they are doing something else, not while they are standing still.

- Mr. Cookie Man, life coach/mentor

Now, go get your shoes on & RUN! ;) 

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